Deirdre's Tri Stuff and More

Check out my triathlon experiences and other notes. 2006 ~ the year I became an Ironman!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The real start of the 2007 season

I survived the party and ran to church as planned today. Except I forgot my "butt band" and my water bottle -- I feel like such a rookie again. My HR recorded the average temperature of my run at 59 F. My last run before this was the day before the Hawaii IM and that run's average temp was 89 F! Ahhhhh, I miss Hawaii!!

Last night's party was Halloween themed. Bill went as Steve Irwin and I was a very scary bride's maid -- my dress from my sister's St. Patrick's Day wedding in kelly green did the trick. Poofy sleeves and all. Sadly, I have unloaded the matching shoes and white stockings with shamrocks that would have completed the outfit. The kids had a blast running around the house. Chris and Alyson always know how to have a great time!!

When we got home I still had the broccoli soup to finish (before the party I turned the recipe over and discovered the part about letting it cool to room temperature before pureeing it in the blender). So I discarded the lovely dress and returned to the kitchen to finish up making the soup. It is delicious, but any parent will confirm that the look and consistency of the soup are green baby poop. Now there's a scary Halloween dish!!

OK, another bit of the Hawaii trip (Bill took almost 2000 pictures during the week, so I will continue to publish tidbits over time). Here I am being interviewed by the folks doing a documentary on Rick and Dick Hoyt. Most of you know the father son team that have competed in hundreds of races over the years. I was fortunate to meet the Hoyts during the trip. The guys making the documentary sat next to me on the flight out. When I met Dick and told him that I met them he quipped, "I hope they weren't in first class!".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW I'M IMPRESSED YOU HAVE GROWN UP., i thought you and your brother were named Deidre from your Mom yelling"DEIRDRE STOP YHAT".I will always say "I knew that girl when she was very young.

11:12 AM  

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